The lineage began with Sadguru Sant Keshavadas, who was Krishna-realized at age 11 and began to have devotees thereafter.
The current lineage-holder is Sadguru Rama Mata, who was initiated by SSK to continue the work as he was dying. It is important to know that, despite her reticence, Mother has just as much power as SSK. She is his equal in every way, in the tradition of the married sages of equal power and wisdom in the Vedas.
Namadeva Acharya was a chela/student of both of them, as am I. And it was Mother who gave us both guru diksha to be gurus in 2009.
Those of you who are or will be certified by our religious organization, Sanatana Dharma Satsang, are thus joining this lineage for teaching mantras and performing pujas, as prepared by SSK, Namadeva Acharya and by me. As a representative of the lineage, you will be expected to honor the teachings and teach them as you have been taught. Substituting other teachings from other gurus without labeling them as such is not acceptable. Nor is substituting other pujas from other lineages and other mantras and slokas in the pujas from other teachings and in other transliterations acceptable. The importance of this is to keep the teachings of our lineage as pure as possible, as the pujas and higher teachings have been for millennia. This is the only reason we have the richness of those teachings ourselves today.
If you have allegiance to another guru, teaching those teachings clearly labeled as coming from that other guru is acceptable.
It is particularly unacceptable to substitute in the pujas materials found on the internet and generally without any authority.
The pujas that the lineage teaches are traditional Vedic pujas with some additions by Namadeva Acharya. All are in the transliterations used by Sant Keshavadas, Namadeva Acharya and by me, Satyabhama. They are deliberately simplified from the standard British translation and others, many of which are derived from usages in Northern India. Our gurus are from South India and use the classical Sanskrit, which is not used in the North. All of our teachings will be in Classical Sanskrit. For pronunciation, there is an appendix in the manual and also in the Wiki section of our IO chat group.