


PLEASE NOTE: Downloads are not refundable.

To download the album you purchase and import it into your music library, please follow these instructions:
  1. Once the transaction is completed, a download link will appear on the order confirmation page. Just click the link to download your album.
  2. You can also return to later and download your album. Just log in. Once you have logged in, you will be returned to the Home page.
  3. Click on "My Account" link at the top right of the Home page.
  4. On the "My Account" page, underneath the heading "My Orders," click on "View the orders I have made."
  5. Locate the order containing the downloadable product and click the blue "View" button on the right side of that order.
  6. On the Order Information page, scroll down towards the bottom and locate the gray box below the "Download Links" heading.
  7. Click on the blue "Download" link in the gray box. The album you purchased will be downloaded to the device you are using. (Please note: if you are using a tablet or smartphone, the file will be on your tablet or smartphone; it will not automatically be copied onto your desktop or laptop computer—you would have to do that manually.)
Your browser is configured to place downloaded files in a particular folder: by default this is usually the "Downloads" or "My Downloads" folder on your computer (or other device). The name of the downloaded file will end in "" If you look in your "Downloads" folder and don't find the downloaded file, it is possible that your browser has been reconfigured to place downloaded files in a different folder; please check your browser's configuration.
The downloadable audio files are in MP3 format, which is universal; any device capable of playing audio files, such as MP3 players, smartphones, tablets, etc., can play these MP3 files. Each track of the album is a separate MP3 file. The MP3 files are delivered in a compressed archive file—a ZIP file—and have to be unpacked before they can be imported into your music library. Both the Windows operating system and the Apple operating system on Mac computers have a built-in utility that unpacks these ZIP files. (Be sure you make a note of the folder into which the unpacked MP3 files are going to be placed.)
Once you have unpacked the MP3 files, you import them into your music library using the software you use to organize and play your audio files, such as iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. Just launch your music software and go to the "Import" function; you will be asked for the location of the files to be imported—just point the dialog box at the folder where the unpacked MP3 files are stored.
If you have an iPad or other tablet, you may have to install an app for managing archive files, such as iZip (which is for the iPad). Then you can use the app to unpack the MP3 files, and then use your music software on the tablet, such as iTunes, to import the album.
Here is a YouTube video showing how this downloading process works on a Mac computer, using iTunes:
The process is essentially the same on a Windows computer; you can install the Windows version of iTunes, or use Windows Media Player.
Occasionally, iPhone and iPad users have problems downloading files from the web. For example, they might get an error message from the Safari browser saying it can't download the ZIP file.
Rather than struggling with problems downloading directly to your mobile device, you might find the following approach less stressful: install the latest version of iTunes on your computer (Mac or Windows), then download and unpack the album on your computer and import it into iTunes on the computer. Then, with iTunes running on the computer, connect your iPhone or other smartphone to the computer. iTunes on the computer should recognize your smartphone as a connected device. Then use the"Sync" function on iTunes (on the computer) to copy the album to iTunes on the smartphone.
Apple device owners determined to download directly to their mobile devices can also try going to the iTunes app store and downloading and installing the MyMedia app on your iPhone or iPad. MyMedia doesn't have the download restrictions that Safari has. After it is installed, open MyMedia's built-in browser and go to and follow the instructions above for downloading your purchased album. Keep in mind, files you download on your iPhone or iPad using MyMedia will be stored in the MyMedia downloads folder, not the default Home > Downloads folder on your device.